
You can leave a comment or mail me at: Webmaster@gosportshistory.co.uk

11 responses to “Discussion”

  1. Well documented collection of historical facts. Nicely laid out into periods of time. Scans very clear and easy to read as the website owner has diagnosed the text at great length to create a true, easy to read version with lots of clickable links which take you to very informative sites. Great work has to be applauded to the writer for the amount of work taken to produce this site. Excellent teaching aid for anyone wishing to study what went on early Naval times.

    • Please do. My intent is that these documents be available to as many people as possible.

  2. Very interesting.
    My grandad was chief electric charge man in the Dockyard. During WW2 he was responsible for the electric cables going to the ships when they docked.
    When Wiley painted the famous picture of the scene at Trafalgaŕas viewed from Nelson’s cabin my grandad did tge lighting for it and met the painter making his finishing touches.
    I woukd like to find out more about him as he died when I was almost 2 years old.
    He was Allan William James Dyer and he died in October 1962.
    Thank you for all your hard work preserving our local history.
    Jackie Morgan née Dyer

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