This page lists the file names of the documents included on this site. The file names are formatted: Year/Month/Day followed by a tie breaker comment thereby placing them into chronological order.
File name | Content overview |
16950921 bill Henry Stanyford | A bill from Henry Stanyford, master carpenter at Portsmouth for repair work done at establishments around Portsmouth and Gosport |
16960220 Indenture HMS Kent | full indenture for restocking HMS Kent |
17010000 Orders for Mr Sylvester to repair small arms | Detailed instructions from John Hooper, storekeeper, to Mr. John Sylvester to repair small arms. |
17010331 Henry Sylvester’s bill for ironwork | A bill from Henry Silvester, master blacksmith at Portsmouth, for ironwork supplied in first quarter of 1701 |
17011000 Sea Service repair bill | Written on thin paper an account of R. Maxwell’s iron works during the Christmas quarter 1701 for land and sea service. It details the work done, weight of iron used and names the ships. |
17020000 list of ordnance for various ships | An itemised bill for ironwork provided listing ships and weights of ironwork provided |
17020630 Snaphance musquets for Brigadeer Hamilton receipt | Short request for muskets. |
17020630 Snaphance musquets for Lord Charlemont receipt | receipt for muskets. |
17020701 muskets for regiment | Receipt for 92 muskets for Lord Beasley’s Regt of Foot |
17020701 musquets for lord Donnegall’s regiment | short receipt for 32 muskets for 35th Regt of Foot. |
17020702 Proportion of Ordnance for Southampton town | Ordnance for Southampton town. |
17020731 Henry Stanyford’s bill for carpentry work completed | A bill from Henry Stanyford, master carpenter at Portsmouth for repair work done. |
17030716 Proportion for prizes | Proportion for two prize vessels captured at the Battle of Vigo. |
17030717 HMS Antelope & HMS Royal Kathrine | Receipt for remains from Antelope and a request for information regarding the armament of Royal Katherine. Interesting to note that the Board are asking the number of gun ports on the ship, a fact of which it is surprising they have no record. |
17031020 corn powder from John Rollo HMS Defiance | Brief receipt for corn powder from master gunner of Defiance |
17040000 Mr Hooper’s request of Mr Silvestor to repair small arms | Detailed instructions from John Hooper, storekeeper, to Mr. John Sylvester to repair small arms. |
17040224 muskets from Charles Haro fuzileers | A receipt for muskets received by the stores from the Regt of Fusiliers signed by John Hooper, storekeeper. |
17040508 from Ralph Jeffries HMS Torbay | receipt for 4 muskets from Ralph Jeffries, master gunner of HMS Torbay |
17041018 list of stores HMS Namur | a list of the remains from HMS Namur |
17050120 Mr Hooper to provide accounts every three months | Posted instructions from the Tower requiring regular accounts from Mr Hooper and details of a £200 imprest. |
17050403 letter to duke of Marlborough from admiralty office | a letter from the admiralty office to the Duke of Marlborough desiring him to equip two fireships with stores for a Mediterranean voyage. Signed ‘George’ |
17050701 bill for Mr Clarke’s work | brief account of work done by Mr Clark, master cooper. |
17050720 coopers working on HMS Greenwich | A request for work to be done by Mr Clark, master cooper, and his team on board HMS Greenwich, together with a declaration of the work completed and time taken. |
17050731 J Golding waggoner’s bill of laden | bill of lading for John Goldring for carrying stores to Portsmouth together with confirmation of delivery. |
17050820 powder barrels for HMS Nassau | request from Peter Coward (OofO Portsmouth) to Mr Clarke, master cooper for powder barrels for HMS Nassau together with receipt from Leonard Buck. |
17051201 HMS Somerset to go to Lisbon & Gibraltar | notification that Capt. Price of HMS Somerset will be ordered to Gibraltar and should receive artificers’ tools & arms. Also an enquiry as to the readiness of a 3rd rate that is in building, |
17060213 make good palisades and gates | To Mr Hooper requiring the fence surrounding the storehouse at Portsmouth be repaired. |
17060313 HMS Brittania Association Namur Eagle Oxford Albemarle Triumph Lancaster | instructions from the Tower requiring several ships to be supplied with stores and for HMS Lancaster to be laid up, her stores being removed. |
17060316 HMS Munmoth & Nonsuch to be refitted | Instructions to John Hooper to remove stores while HMS Monmouth & Nonsuch are refitted for service on the Main |
17060710 HMS Granada refit for service in Maine fleet | Instructions to John Hooper to remove stores while HMS Granada is refitted for service on the Main |
17061019 HMS Tartar & Sorlings to be refitted for Mediterranean service | Instructions to John Hooper to remove guns & stores while HMS Tartar & Sorlings are refitted for service in the Mediterranean |
17070110 Woolwich | reply to a previous letter regarding unserviceable returned stores. |
17070309 Powder cart repairs Henry Stanyford | To Mr Hooper agreeing to the employment of Mr Stanyford to make cartwheels and asking for a duplicate account to replace a mislaid one. |
17070503 MHS Cambridge Roebuck Foulkston Seaford | Instructions to John Hooper to remove guns & stores while HMS Cambridge, Roebuck Folkstone & Seaford are refitted for service in the Channel. |
17070508 HMS Devonshire Cumberland Cambridge | Instructions to John Hooper to remove guns & stores while HMS Cambridge, Cumberland & Devonshire are refitted for service in the Mediterranean. |
17070512 HMS Northumberland & Canterbury to refit for channel service | Instructions to John Hooper to remove guns & stores while HMS Canterbury & Northumberland are refitted for Channel Service. |
17070525 Henry Silvester’s smithy bill | A very busy difficult to read account of work carried out by Henry Silvester master smith at Portsmouth on a number of named ships and ashore. |
17070619 HMS Tartar, Foulkstone & Lyme refit for channel service | Instructions to John Hooper to remove guns & stores while HMS Folkstone & Lyme are refitted for Channel Service. It also includes notification that the surveyor general (William Bridges) will be attending. |
17071007 bill approval | confirmation that imprests will be paid and instructions on supplying paper royal while awaiting store ships. |
17071109 Indent Proportion of Ordnance for HMS Cruizer | List of remaining stores and those supplied to HMS Cruizer |
17071115 proportion for supplying HMS Cruizer | List of additional stores supplied to HMS Cruizer |
17071120 Inventory of mortars | A request for a report on mortars held at Portsmouth, what bomb vessels are there and the number and condition of mortar beds. Also a rescindment of instructions re HMS Dragon. |
17071220 instructions to pay laborers | a badly damaged letter advising that imprests have been made to Portsmouth and instructions for paying labourers. |
17080127 HMS Dragon refit for channel service regiments to apply to board for stores | Instructions to remove guns &c from HMS Dragon and advising that the army should apply for ordnance via the Tower and not directly to the storekeeper. |
17080331 Mr Maxwell’s bill for land service | A brief bill for work completed by Mr Maxwell |
17080420 Mr Harmood’s bill | a poorly written and somewhat damaged account of plumbers’ work carried out – unknown origin. |
17080524 guns for guard ships | a damaged note on fine paper detailing the guns to be supplied for three guardships, and a complaint that some guns have stopped vents which require unblocking ready for service. |
17080600 new carriages for various ships | from Mr Stanyford, an itemised account of repairs carried out to carriages on board named ships totalling £3/10/06 |
17080630 Josias Clark’s bill for cooper works | Cooperage bill from Josiah Clarke for work done on 13 named ships. |
17080701 armourer’s bill | a very ‘busy’ bill for work done repairing small arms. Probably from John Sylvester |
17080904 account of stores sent by land carriage | a list of stores carried to Portsmouth by land carriage and those which were to be obtained locally. |
17080904 Paper royal order | an unsigned receipt from John Baskett acknowledging receipt of 126 reams of paper from Messrs Mears & Sparks. The receipt is further endorsed to say that the paper was received by the Office of Ordnance. |
17080908 receipt for Paper Royal | From John Mears requesting payment for 126 reams of paper with an explanation of shortfall and delay. |
17081001 Mr Maxwell’s Bill for Carriages | A bill from Mr Maxwell (smith) listing repairs to ships’ carriages giving the weight of iron used. |
17090210 HMS Saphire | HMS Sapphire, to have her guns and stores removed during a refit for the Leeward islands |
17090210 inquiry for hoys | A letter enquiring after shipbuilders in the Portsmouth area to build hoys. Suggestions are made. |
17090222 delayed letter | an apology for a delayed letter with assurance that the situation resulting from this will be resolved the following day. Heavy usage of contractions. |
17090300 new carriages and repairs in March | A particularly well written bill (assumed from Henry Stanyford) detailing carpentry work done repairing gun carriages. |
17090305 HMS Medway | order to remove guns and stores from HMS Medway during a refit for Channel service. |
17090308 HMS Newport Adml. J Leake | Instructing Mr Hooper to spare no time in clearing guns and stores from ships under command of Admiral Leake preparing for a voyage to Leeward Islands. |
17090320 bill for repairs to stone wall | a detailed account regarding supplies for repairs to a wall. Including a complaint for late delivery. |
17090405 restocking Ranelagh | an interesting demand from the Tower for Mr Hooper to investigate why the captain of HMS Ranelagh ordered the captain of Triumph to supply him with small arms. |
17090409 Provision for expedition | requesting Mr Hooper to instruct Mr Stanyford to supply timbe &c to Commissary Hawys. |
17090423 HMS Furnace & salamander | instruction to examine stores on two bomb vessels and make good as necessary. |
17090430 letter from the tower | Advice of a payment from William Bridges of £38/12/6 to Edward Silvester. |
17090525 HMS Arundel to be refitted for channel service | ordering guns and stores to be removed from Arundel and for an estimate of the value of salvage from three wrecks. |
17090531 bill for carpentry | Henry Stanyford’s itemised bill for carpentry work done between October 1708 and May 1709. Presumably from Henry Stanyford |
17090600 list of carpenter’s repair work | An itemised bill for carpentry work done in June 1709 repairing and building new ships’ gun carriages. Presumably from Henry Stanyford |
17090600 repair of small arms HMS Dolphin | endorsed by John Hooper, a detailed list of small arms repaired for HMS Dolphin |
17090622 Flag staff for Calshot castle | a demand for a flagstaff for Calshot Castle and a request for Mr. Stanyford (Henry) to give a price for same. |
17090717 pay Col Romer’s laborers | An instruction from the Tower to provide money for the payment of labourers and an enquiry regarding white rope for cranes. |
17090812 match | request for 1/4 hundredweight of match |
17090900 account of iron | An itemised account from Mr. Maxwell of iron used between June & September of 1709 detailing weight of iron used, and including a list of carriages built/repaired by Edward Silvester. |
17090909 stores for gunner | a plea from Walter Harford asking Mr. Hooper for a skein of slow match. |
17090910 painting bill | a difficult to read account of painting work carried out |
17090917 powder for HMS Tryumph | a receipt from Jacob Edwards of HMS Triumph for corn powder and match. |
17091007 HMS Ranelagh Demand for stores | a demand for gunner’s stores from William Hawkins of HMS Ranelagh |
17091024 repairs bill | an unsigned bill for iron work supplied |
17091109 Stores for HMS Gosport Indent | A brief indent for small stores from the master gunner of HMS Gosport Mathew Edge. John Norris commanding. |
17100112 command to provide state of stores | a demand from the Board for an end of year account. |
17100121 HMS Strombolo, Looe, Medway Prize | orders to prepare three named bomb vessels for refit and a request for a report on bomb vessels and their condition. |
17100128 HMS Berwick & Leopard fitting | orders to prepare two named ships for refit and permission to break up a mortar bed taking ironwork into store. |
17100222 stores for Guernsey | enquiry asking whether stores sent by hoy have arrived. |
17100300 Carriage repairs | a bill from Archibald Maxwell for new and repairs to carriages |
17100300 March to June quarter accounts carpentry | a bill for carpentry (carriage repairs) from Henry Stanyford. |
17100300 New Carriages | a detailed bill for ironwork from Edward Sylvester |
17100301 HMS Mary Galley refit | Instruction to prepare Mary Galley for refit. |
17100302 bill for carpentry work | Itemised bill for carpentry work from Henry Stanyford |
17100307 HMS Dragon, Strombolo & Warspite refitting | Instruction to prepare named vessels for refit. |
17100318 HMS Strombolo refit for channel service | Instruction to prepare HMS Strombolo for refit for Channel service. |
17100328 Mr Musgrave personal letter to Mr Hooper | from Christopher Musgrave to Mr Hooper regarding his cousin Dawney’s bad behaviour. |
17100330 Indent Proportion of Ordnance for HMS Monks Prize | list of ordnance supplied to HMS Monks Prize |
17100400 request Mr Silvester to repair small arms various ships | a detailed list of repairs requested of John Silvester. Endorsed by John Hooper, presumably indicating satisfaction. |
17100401 HMS Russell, Colchester, Experiment | instruction to prepare three named ships for refit. |
17100401 Personal letter to Mr Hooper from Mr Musgrave | a second letter from Christopher Musgrave to John Hooper regarding the misdemeanours of his cousin named Dawney’s bad behaviour. |
17100417 flock beds for New England | instruction to supply beds for an expedition to New England with Colonel Nicholson |
17100501 Guns for Newfoundland voyage HMS Berwick, Bredah, Warspite & Valeur | instruction to supply several ships with junk, and to prepare the Valeur for refit on her arrival. |
17100504 Powder & shott for marines | instruction to issue powder and shot to regiment of marines. |
17100509 stores for Sandham Fort & Calshot Castle | receipt for lead for use at Calshot and Sandham castles. |
17100516 stores for Woolwich & Greenwich | a detailed account of Ordnance delivered aboard the Two Brothers Pinke by Francis Masters to Greenwich and Woolwich. |
17100600 Josiah Clarke Cooperage bill | cooperage bill for June quarter from Josias Clarke |
17100600 Josiah Clarke Cooperage bill – Appendix | appendix to cooperage bill for June quarter from Josias Clarke. |
17100602 June quarter carpentry bill 1710 | a detailed account of Henry Stanyford carpentry work including building repairs and gun carriage work on numerous named ships. |
17100602 powder | demand for powder for the Marquess of Montander’s regiment |
17100602 receipt for powder | Receipt for powder for the Marquess of Montander’s regiment |
17100610 Cowes Castle falling down | Having received news from Cowes the board request that John Hooper visit the castle to assess damage and send an estimate for repairs. |
17100701 small arms bill | bill for repairs done to small arms, presumed by John Silvester |
17100711 HMS Humber to be laid up | HMS Humber to be laid up, guns and stores to be removed. |
17100713 HMS Jersey Towey August Antelope Sorlings | instructions regarding several named ships arriving for restocking |
17100713 HMS Monks Prize remains mistake | discussion regarding a mistake in stores for HMS Monks Prize requiring an investigation into the situation. |
17100714 HMS Anglesea Sorlings Antelope, Auguste and Towey | a request that 5 named ships be restocked as soon as they are ready. |
17100722 Experiment for Channel Colchester to West Indies | instruction to pay labourers and advice that two named ships due for refit to be restocked. |
17100725 HMS Mary Galley & Southsea Castle for Channel service | two ships to be prepared for refit. |
17100809 Indenture HMS Towy | list of stores supplied to HMS Towy |
17100812 Paper Royal | instruction to draw on Mr Basket for supply of paper. |
17100812 salvage of guns | instruction to John Hooper to negotiate a better price for salvaged guns from John Owen |
17100819 Survey of guns HMS Delight | request for a report on some guns said to be honeycombed. This letter is franked ‘PENY POST PAYD’. |
17100831 John Golding’s bill of laden | Itemised bill of laden for John Goldring for carrying stores to Portsmouth together with confirmation of delivery. |
17100900 Mr John Silvester repairs to small arms | detailed instructions for Mr John Silvester to repair small arms belonging to several named ships. |
17100900 Josias Clark Master Cooper | itemised bill from Josias Clarke, master cooper. |
17100900 Mr Freeman Bricklaying bill | Itemised bill from Thomas Freeman, master bricklayer for repairs to the storekeeper’s house. |
17100925 Guns for HMS Swallow Prize & Royal Ann Galley | instruction to supply HMS Swallow Prize with new guns and to remove guns from Royal Ann Galley. Interesting to read the actual guns aboard the swallow. |
17100930 Coopers work | daily record of cooperage work done in 1710 |
17100930 double powder | advice that a double issue of powder had accidentally been supplied to two regiments and instruction to supply powder to Brigadier Borr. |
17101007 powder to be delivered to forts | instruction to supply powder to Lord Dartmouth’s forces encamped on the Isle Of Wight. |
17101010 Powder for Hurst Castle | an enquiry regarding supply of stores to Hurst Castle and reference to a previous letter regarding powder for lord Dartmouth’s regt. On the Isle of wight. |
17101011 Indent Proportion for HMS Dispatch | listing remains and supplied stores |
17101016 For Carisbrooke Castle flag of Beauport with halliards | instruction to supply Carisbrooke Castle with a Flag of Beauport together with halliards. |
17101026 Stores for Calshot Castle | A request that the storeship Ann be asked to take axletrees to Calshot Castle in route to Gibraltar. |
17101107 HMS York | instruction to prepare HMS York for refit, and to resupply her for service in the Mediterranean once completed. |
17101118 account of repairs necessary next year | a request that an estimate of repairs that will be necessary at Portsmouth Dockyard in 1711 |
17101128 flag of Beaufort for Hurst Castle | instruction to supply Hurst Castle with a Flag of Beauport with halliards. |
17101128 HMS Rose & Monks Prize refitting seal | an instruction to prepare HMS Rose and Monks Prize for refit. This document marked with the seal of the Office of Ordnance. |
17101202 Josias Clarke master cooper’s bill | Cooper’s bill from Josias Clarke listing ships and establishments where work was completed. |
17110116 small arms for HMS Portmahon | instruction to supply HMS Portmahon with small arms |
17110222 powder for Marque de Montadre’s Regt | Instruction to supply powder and shot for the Marqus of Montandre’s regt. |
17110229 Boatswain | receipt for fine corn powder from the boatswain of Portsmouth Dockyard. |
17110628 account of stores for gun wharf | an account of work completed by Henry Stanyford, carpenter, endorsed by Thomas Bowerbank. |
17120211 sheet lead | a receipt for sheet lead used to replace lead stolen from the hospital barracks. |
17120300 stores record | an account of ironwork done by Archibald Maxwell in the March quarter. Badly faded and very difficult to read. |
17120631 stores delivered by hoy | A bill of lading for the Elizabeth & Mary hoy listing a list of varied stores from great guns to paper. |
17120822 bill of loading | a request to add powder to the bill of laden for the Elizabeth & Mary |
17121009 Bill for carpentry | signed and endorsed, a detailed yet very difficult to read bill for work on the Ordnance Office’s pinnace. |
17121017 provisions for Cowes Castle | detailed instruction to issue a list of stores to Cowes Castle. |
17121101 Mr Mesurier HMS Dragon Wreck | An itemised bill of lading for the Charles hoy listing stores recovered from the wreck of HMS Dragon(1647). |
17130000 quarterly cooperage bill | a day by day account of cooperage from Jan – March 1713 |
17130120 Canterbury gunners demand | a demand for five bartrels of powder from master gunner of HMS Canterbury. |
17130209 stores for HM Yacht Soesdyke | a request for gunner’s stores for HMY Soesdyke |
17130313 proportion of ordnance for HMS Dreadnaught | List of stores issued to HMS Dreadnaught. Damaged, signatures torn off. |
17130410 flag of Beauport for Calshot Castle | instruction to issue a flag to Calshot Castle. |
17130519 receipt for stores from Seamor’s reg of foot | receipt for small arms returned to stores by Lieutenant General Seamor. |
17130612 iron for blockhouse | This untidy note seems to have been added to by several people and concerns 2 quarters of lead for use at Fort Blockhouse. |
17130723 Tallow & rosin for Blockhouse | Instruction to deliver and receipt for rosin to be used at Fort Blockhouse. |
17130814 Joseph Ambler’s bill of laden | Bill of lading for the Luovelia Barque issued for transport to Portsmouth from Plymouth. |
17130923 manifest from Brigadier Borr | Itemised receipt for small arms and stores from Brig. Gen. Boor. |
17131000 dispatch to hoys | Detailed account of action of harbour hoys October to December 1713 |
17131012 HMS Yarmouth supplies | a demand for gunner’s stores for HMS Yarmouth. |
17131020 stores for Hurst Castle | instruction to issue various stores to Hurst Castle. |
17131110 criminal labourers | advice to Mr Hooper that two labourers, having been found guilty of embezzlement, are not to be employed by the office in future. |
17131217 flags receipt | Wagoner’s bill of lading for 5 flags of Beauport bound for Portsmouth. |
17140128 HMS Canterbury | a request for three barrels of powder submitted by S Morries on behalf of Thos. Clayton. |
17140300 cooperage bill | Cooperage bill from Josias Clarke with a note in another hand, incomplete scan, difficult to transcribe. |
17140316 Ammunition for HMS Tyger | account of remaining stores on HMS Tyger. |
17140412 HMS Norfolk | a short note of receipt for stores. |
17140525 Stores for hoy Unity | instruction to issue stores for use of Unity hoy. |
17140600 Cooperage Bill | itemised cooperage bill from Josias Clarke for June quarter 1714 |
17140612 powder for 3rd reg of foot | Receipt for powder and shot from the 3rd regt. Of foot. |
17140616 Blockhouse point | request from Thos. Bowerbank for tallow to make repairs to a six oared boat belonging to fort Blockhouse. |
17140620 receipt for stores | receipt for stores for the use of the Hoy Unity submitted by Anthony Swift, master |
17140701bill from Mr Sylvester | itemised bill for the repair of small arms by John Sylvester |
17140801Mr Baxter ill | To Mr. Hooper from John Jones reporting on the condition of his master who is gravely ill. We do not know the name of the subject. |
17140817 Gun carriages for Jersey garrisons | instruction to issue gun carriages for use of the garrison on Jersey. |
17140900 Account of smith’s work | William Ogbourne’s itemised bill for carpentry and smith work making new and repairing gun carriages. |
17140900 Cooperage bill | Itemised cooperage bill from Josias Clarke for September 1714 |
17140900 small arms for repair | instruction to Edward Sylvester to refurbish small arms. Most probably sent by John Hooper |
17140902 Blockhouse | an abrupt demand from Capt. Talbot Edwards to supply quoins and aprons of lead. |
17140914 Receipt for arms regt of invalids | a receipt for muskets and short pikes from the regiment of invalids. |
17140914 small arms from regiment of invalids | a receipt from Colonel John Pocock for small arms. |
17140920 rope for blockhouse | a request from Talbot Edwards for rope for his flagstaff at Blockhouse. |
17141005 Mr Jones | a somewhat jumbled collection of letter, notes and accounts. Unusually we see the original letter and a reply written by John Hooper himself. It also makes reference to ‘our master’ who is ill. |
17150000 list of stores | a brief list of small stores required for HM Yacht Hyacia, John Miller commanding. |
17150209 Proportion for HMS Exeter | List of stores remaining and supplied to HMS Exeter. |
17150215 Proportion of Ordnance for HMS Rose | List of stores remaining and supplied to HMS Rose. |
17150310 Proportion of Ordnance for HMS Norfolk | List of stores remaining and supplied to HMS Norfolk. |
17150316 Powder for 3rd reg of foot | instruction to issue powder and shott for 3 months exercise of the 3rd regt. Foot. |
17150408 HMS Moor, Swallow & Tyger | a faded letter regarding mortars belonging to bomb ketches being carried by Tiger, Swallow and Moor to be transferred to hoys. |
17150415 HMS Ruby & Southsea Castle to be laid up | Instruction to remove guns and stores from HMS Ruby and Southsea Castle as they are to be laid up. |
17150416 bomb vessel | instructions to send mortars and small arms by two named hoys as the masters of bomb vessels will not take them. Includes a post script regarding wire and junk. |
17150527 white rope | Instruction to issue white rope for use by cranes at the gun wharf. |
17150600 Mr Stainford June qtr bill | June quarter bill for carpentry work on ships carriages aboard named ships. |
17150703 John Brown Bill of laden | A bill of lading for John Brown, wagoner carrying white rope to Portsmouth from Plymouth. |
17150704 HMS Namur | request for corn powder, presumed to be from master gunner of HMS Namur, endorsed by the captain. Also marked as delivered. |
17150709 Portland Castle | requesting 4 barrels of powder for Portland Castle from Portsmouth stores. |
17150722 Corn powder for guards | Instruction to issue powder and shot for 3rd Regt. Of Foot. |
17150727 Proportion for supplying HMY Bolton (yacht) | standard list of stores to be supplied to HMY Bolton |
17150803 powder & shot for regt of foot | a demand for powder and shot for Regt. Of Foot endorsed by Thomas Erle. |
17150813 receipt for arms | a receipt from Captain Gibbons for small arms. |
17150813 stores for ports garrison | receipt for small arms issued to the Company of Invalids by order of Thomas Erle. |
17150813 Stores for Ports Garrison Hyde | receipt from Captain Hyde for small arms for the Company of Invalids |
17150816 arms for garrison | receipt from Colonel Simonds for small arms for the Company of Invalids |
17150816 copy of G Winrams receipt | receipt from Colonel Proby for small arms for his Company of Invalids |
17150816 G Winrams receipt for arms | receipt from Colonel Winarams for small arms for his Company of Invalids |
17150830 arms for invalids | Instruction to supply small arms for the ten Company of Invalids. |
17150913 Indenture powder for HMS Kent | Indent for ten pounds of fine powder for HMS Kent |
17150917 Indenture for musquets | between the Board and Captain Henry Stanyford (Master Carpenter) of the company of Portsmouth militia. |
17150920 Demand for powder HMS Neptune | A demand for powder from Patrick Hutchinson (master gunner of HMS Neptune) endorsed by Jmaael Townsend. |
17151000 tarred rope | a demand from Talbot Edwards for rope to repair a bridge at Southsea Castle. Mr Hooper has deferred the request to Mr. Bayliss as the store has no 6″ rope in stock. |
17151006 fortification 780 | an abrupt demand for stockades from Talbot Edwards |
17151006 new fortifications | a demand for shovels and wheelbarrows from Thomas Bowerbank which Mr. Hooper has asked Mr Baylis to provide. |
17151010 hatchets | demand from Talbot Edwards for hatchets. |
17151011 muscovy lights | a polite request from Talbot Edwards |
17151013 Bricks | particularly difficult to read, a request from thos Bowerbank for pole axes to clear old bricks. |
17151015 deliver guns to Gun Wharf | highly faded and a little incomprehensible. Instruction to supply guns to the Gun Wharf. |
17151015 order for cannon | an abrupt demand from Capt. Talbot Edwards to supply M. Baxter master gunner with 60 great guns. |
17151015 Order for cannon | a demand from Talbot edwards for 32 guns. |
17151015 requisition for spades | A request from Thomas Bowerbank for shovels and spades. |
17151018 rotten wadding | Regarding the disposal of rotten wadding and cordage, advising Mr Hooper on the price he should accept for disposing of it. |
17151020 corn powder for Yarmouth Castle IOW | Instruction to supply 14 barrels of corn powder to Yarmouth Castle. |
17151022 receipt for shovels | a request from Thomas Bowerbank for shovels to repair fortifications. Endorsed as delivered by John Hooper. |
17151024 Lead cramps for Talbot Edwards | A request for 2 cwt of lead from Talbot Edwards |
17151025 powder for 5th rates | regarding the exchange of 667 sea service muskets for the same number of unserviceable ones. |
17151027 small arms for HMS Hastings, Poole, Sheerness & Southsea Castle | An instruction to issue powder and small arms to 4 named ships. |
17151031 Shovels & wheelbarrows | Request from Thos. Bowerbank for shovels and pickaxes with instructions from J Hooper asking Mr Whitehead to oblige. |
17151031 Talbot Edwards orders for lead | Request from Talbot Edwards asking J Hooper for 10 ton of lead in pigs for making gutters |
17151104 firearms | instruction to exchange serviceable small arms for like number of unserviceable. |
17151216 Muskets for Lt Col Ridge | Instruction to issue muskets to Lt Colonel Ridge. |
17151216 powder for HMS Canterbury | Jmael Townsend |
17151219 HMS Squirrel | Instruction to remove guns and stores from HMS Squirrel in preparation for a refit. |
17151220 corn powder for HMS Antelope | Instruction to issue 28 barrels of corn powder to HMS Antelope. |
17160119 ordnance for Woolwich | Instruction to issue brass guns of various types to Woolwich. |
17160220 demand of powder HMS Neptune | a request for powder, oil and flints for HMS Neptune endorsed |
17160515 Flag for Calshot Castle | Address missing, instruction to issue a flag of Beauport to Calshot Castle. Signed by six board members. |
17160703 Hoy Malborough | Unsigned receipt for unserviceable stores from Weymouth delivered by Mr Ayres on the hoy Marlborough. |
17160810 sale of stores | Itemised receipt from Francis Tyler for old, useable rope and other stores. |
17161019 Capt Pattison’s powder | Request from Capt. Pattison for Mr. Hooper to deliver powder to Corporal Cook for use at the Gun Wharf. |
17170109 HMS Prince Frederick & Canterbury | fresh instructions for issue of stores to two named ships. |
17170109 list of arms | A very difficult to read list of items removed from Borough Fort. |
17170122 fine powder | Request and receipt for 12 pounds of fine powder delivered to Corpl. Cook on behalf of Capt. Pattison. |
17170223 Hoy Unity | Very detailed receipt for a boat, well described, from Anthony Swift, master of the hoy Unity. |
17170311 imprest for £100 | difficult to read letter from Basil Jones advising John Hooper that the Board have agreed to send him £100 to pay labourers. |
17170412 HMS Humber | a demand for stores from Henry Darbysheur, master gunner of HMS Humber. Endorsed by Jmael Townsend. |
17170426 stores from the tower | A bill of lading for the Pomroy hoy listing a list of varied stores. Indicates that Peter Coward is Barrack master. |
17170613 Capt Pattison | Instruction to issue unusable tents to Capt. Pattison to make frocks for his men. |
17170619 Hoy Unity | Instruction to provide the Unity hoy with stores for the year’s service. |
17170628 pay capt Pattison | Instruction to provide money to Capt. Pattison for removing guns from Weymouth and HMS Looe |
17170705 funds for June quarter | request for an account of money due to Capt. Pattison for payment of gunners and assistants. Also instruction to deliver powder & shot for the regt of foot. |
17170710 HMS Yarmouth to be laid up | Instruction to remove guns and stores from HMS Yarmouth in preparation for her to be laid up. |
17170717 powder & shott for regt of foot | Instruction to issue powder and shot for Brigadier Starn’s regiment of foot. |
17170727 ordnance from Weymouth | Receipt for guns received from Weymouth town and castle and Portland. Signed by Capt. Thomas Pattison. |
17170813 Iron Pot for pitch | Curt request from Talbot Edwards asking for a pot to hold pitch. Also a receipt for same including nails, tallow and baras. |
17170820 Talbot Edwards | From Talbot Edwards, a demand for lead sheet to be delivered to Jhon Harmood at Fort Blockhouse. |
17170930 receipt for stores | A bill of lading for the Unity Hoy detailing stores to be taken to Portsmouth for distribution to nearby forts etc. |
17171003 receipt for arms | a detailed receipt of small arms returned by the Dragoons listing their defects. |
17171003 Yarmouth castle returns | Somewhat faded and in poor condition, a detailed bill of lading for the Marlborough hoy. |
17171024 returns from Carisbrook Castle | A list of gunner’s stores to be removed from Carisbrook Castle and those to remain. |
17171122 Marlborough Hoy | Advising that a proportion for the Marlborough hoy will follow which should be provided with exception of rope and candles. |
17171231 Reduction Orders | Probably an appendix to an actual letter. Orders from the Admiralty setting out precisely the gunners’ stores to be supplied and expended in given situations. |
17180119 round shot | a receipt for round shot delivered by the Pomeroy hoy from Woolwich. |
17180222 oil | a request from Thomas Bowerbank for rope for raising stones from a well and oil to lubricate locks and hinges. |
17180306 requisition for hoy | a bill of lading for the Content hoy written and endorsed by John Edmonds, detailing gun carriages to be delivered to William Dixon for use at Plymouth, Pendennis and St Mary’s. |
17180520 proportion of stores for 45 ships | describing the proportion of small arms to be distributed between 45 ships at Portsmouth. |
17180531 Receipt for stores from The tower | Bill of lading for the Isaac & Elizabeth hoy listing the guns to be supplied to 12 named ships. |
17180700 account of condition of bomb shells and fireworkers stores | a detailed account of the condition of armaments for bomb vessels at Portsmouth. |
17180805 receipt from Pomroy Hoy | Bill of lading for Pomroy hoy listing 6 culverin and 1000 shot for same. |
17180806 Culverings for Plymouth | Instruction for John Hooper to supply 143 18 pounders for the service at Plymouth. |
17180816 receipt for Hoy Edward | Bill of lading for the Isaac & Elizabeth hoy listing gunners’ stores. Initialled as received by John Hooper |
17180913 Powder & balls for regiments on Isle Of wight | Receipt for powder and shott delivered to regiment encamped on the Isle of Wight. |
17180927 surplus | No address. Very difficult to read due to many corrections. An instruction from Admiral Holburn to place a group of hoys in convoy. |
17181205 proportion for army to be sent to the tower | an instruction to send an itemised list of small arms to the Tower. |
17190102 Reprimand Mr Maxwell jnr | Addressed to Mr Maxwell junior, a severe warning that he should find two persons willing to provide security of £500 each to retain his standing. |
17190105 capt Pattison | request that Messer’s Baxter, Hooper and Capt. Pattison appraise shot and shells. |
17190115 duplicate receipts | a demand from W.Harrison junior that in future all persons supplying stores shall sign a duplicate receipt. This is the first in a group of ‘complaining’ letters from Mr. Harrison. |
17190117 lead | request to deliver and receipt for lead and cisterns for Mr. Harmood. |
17190120 new sheets of lead | request from Thos Bowerbank that Mr Hooper supply Mr Harmood with two sheets of lead. Receipted by John Harmood. |
17190120 return from HMS Boyne | confirmation of receipt of small arms from HMS Boyne. |
17190122 return of ordnance from HMS Shrewsbury & Dorsetshire | 3 sheets of parchment with itemised list of ordnance returned by HMS Shrewsbury & Dorsetshire. |
17190127 receipt for baskets | receipt for baskets taken into store. |
17190206 proof of powder | advising Mr. Baxter that there will be a ‘Proof of Powder’ and to prepare for such. |
17190220 small arms | receipt for small arms delivered from the armoury and the Grand Store House. |
17190306 contract for carriage shed | Contract between officers of the Board of Ordnance and Henry Stanyford, master carpenter for the building of a carriage shed and cistern. |
17190311 HMS Prince Frederick to be supplied 297 barrels of powder | Instructing Mr Baxter to supply powder to HMS Prince Frederick and advising that there is difficulty in supplying grape shot. |
17190320 Peter Coward to move into house on the Gunwharf | advising Messrs Hooper & Baxter that the board agre+C279:C302es to Peter Coward’s request to move into a new house on the Gun Wharf. |
17190402 clerks accommodation | advising Messrs Hooper & Baxter of the arrangements for accommodating clerks. And advising that muskets will be sent on the Unity Hoy. |
17190404 powder for HMS Towy indenture & receipt | Indent between the Board and boatswain for powder for HMS Towey together with endorsements for each receipt of the order. Notably Richard Dalley, boatswain, does not sign, but ‘marks’ the document. |
17190405 HMS Mary Indenture | Indent between the Board and master gunner for gunners’ stores. Signed by William Hodshon, master gunner. |
17190408 HMS Enterprise repairs | advising that , should HMS Enterprise arrive in Portsmouth for repairs, that the guns and gunner’s stores should be removed while she is in ordinary. |
17190413 pay Mr Baxter | advising Mr Hooper that he is provided an imprest to pay Mr. Baxter. |
17190413 reprimand | instruction that messrs Hooper and Baxter are to follow a new method of accounting using a ledger. This will also require the artificers to comply with the new methods. |
17190416 redistribution of perishables | request for an account of the condition of perishable stores (tampeons, rope etc.) in store. |
17190424 £20 for Mr Baxter | a reply to a previous letter advising Mr Baxter to contact Mr Bowerbank for a copy of instructions for engineers. |
17190424 HMS Hampton Court to be prepared for voyage | instruction to remove guns and gunners’ stores from HMS Hamptoon Court while in refit and to restock her on completion. |
17190424 lost records | part of an ongoing issue regarding the method of accounting for engineering works. |
17190424 Standing carriages for Isles of Scilly | reply to a letter regarding gun carriages for use on Scilly Isles |
17190425 HMS Aldborough refit | instruction to prepare HMS Aldborough to go to Deptford where she will refit for Chanel service. |
17190511 old iron for Woolwich & stores for Chatham | Bill of lading for Isaac & Elizabeth hoy detailing ironwork, carriage parts, powder shot etc. bound for Woolwich & Chatham. |
17190516 Guns for HMS Yorke | advising that the board have given permission to restore guns and gunners’ stores to HMS York following a refit. |
17190518 HMS Prince Frederick & Kinsale | Instruction to remove guns and gunners’ stores from HMS king sale & Prince Frederick in preparation for refit. |
17190531expendature of stores in May 1719 | account of stores expended at Portsmouth dockyard. |
17190603 Indent for HMS Lowestoft | list of stores remaining on board HMS Lowestoft |
17190604 Mr Gibson Woolwich | William Gibson writing to assist Messrs Hooper & Baxter acquaint themselves with the revised method of accounting. |
17190610 old lead from Burrough Fort for Mr Harmood | a request and receipt for sheet lead recovered from Borough Fort on Burrow Island Gosport. This document confirms the date that Borough Fort was dismantled, a fact that was uncertain. |
17190613 HMS Bristol Indenture | between the Board and William Hutchinson master gunner of HMS Bristol for gunners’ stores. |
17190622 request for accounts | a helpful letter from Mr Gibson offering advice to Messrs Hooper and Baxter on the revised accounting method. |
17190626 from Mr Harrison | From Mr Harrison a curt demand for accounts. |
17190630 order to purchase tools | instruction to pay Henry Pouncer (Forbusher) for tools. |
17190704 Col Borgard | instruction to supply 7’8″ sakers and appropriate gunners’ stores. |
17190705 Indent for stores for Cows Castle | between the master gunner of Cowes Castle and The Board for a flag, needles and thread. |
17190708 demanding reports | demand from William Harrison that accounts be sent immediately for the first and second quarters. |
17190709 30 tun of junk | Instruction to issue 30 tons of junk. |
17190713 30 tons of Junk | confirmation that 30 tons of junk have been supplied to Portsmouth. |
17190714 account of ordnance | Bill of lading for Pomroy hoy bound for Woolwich with 51 guns. |
17190714 HMS Norwich, Advice & Tryal to be stocked for voyage to Gibraltar | instruction to supply three ships with gunners’ stores for a voyage to Gibraltar under command of Admiral Cavendish. |
17190714 HMS Prince Frederick guns for Dursely Gally | From Vice Adml. James Mighills requesting arms for Dursley Galley in preparation for the capture of Vigo. |
17190714 powder for HMS Vanguard | a demand for powder from Nathan Ball, HMS Vanguard, endorsed by Jmael Townsend. |
17190717 receipt for ordnance from master of Hoy Pomroy | Bill of lading for Pomroy Hoy bound for Woolwich with 86 guns. |
17190718 account of stores | an account of iron parts recovered from gun carriages. |
17190721 HMS Enterprise | Unusually for a letter from the tower, this was written on fine paper instead of the usual cartridge paper. It is asking for the stores required by HMS Enterprise to be hurried. Likely in preparation for the capture of Vigo. |
17190724 Enterprise & Guernzey | a reply to an enquiry regarding the state of guns on Enterprise & Guernsey agreeing to a proposal of replacing defective guns and sending them to Woolwich for reboring. |
17190728 payment for bills | Advising Mr Baxter of an imprest for £200 to pay clerks’ expenses. |
17190803 request for paper cartridges | instruction to add 600 paper cartridges to an existing order for 3400 |
17190806 iron ordnance | regarding the sending of 24 pounders and carriages by hoy. This letter includes personal messages to be conveyed to various persons in and around Portsmouth Dockyard. |
17190808 Sealed discussion regarding ledgers | This letter retains the original wax seal, although it is difficult to see clearly what it depicts. Regarding ledgers and the formatting of them. This appears to be referring back to a ‘discussion’ between John Baxter and William Harrison on the subject. |
17190811 HMS Gibraltar | Instruction to prepare HMS Gibraltar for refit. |
17190815 request to sign indents | regarding indents from the army insisting that each indent should be signed by a field officer. |
17190817 cannon order | receipt from William Batt, master of Pomroy hoy listing guns to be taken to Woolwich |
17190818 Sloop Isaac & Elizabeth bill of laden | regarding guns and carriages laden on the Isaac & Elizabeth Hoy. Edward Fitchett master. |
17190822 HMS Hind & Fireship Griffin to refit | Instruction to resupply HMS Griffin with gunners’ stores and to prepare HMS Hind for refit. |
17190828 request for accounts | request from William Harrison for accounts, a continuance of an ongoing issue. |
17190829 HMS Lively refit | Instruction to prepare HMS Lively for refit and discussion regarding stores for HMS Griffin |
17190831 account of laboratory stores | Account of stores to be sent to Woolwich. |
17190901 5 receipts for powder & shot | scan of five almost identical receipts, clearly written by the same clerk for different officers. |
17190901 receipt for powder & ball | receipt from Hinching Brook for powder, shot, flints and chevaux d’ frise. |
17190901 receipt for powder & shot | Receipt from J Howard for powder, shot and pikes. |
17190901 Rose receipt for powder & shot | Receipt for powder, shot and chevaux de frise. |
17191003 receipt for stores | Itemised receipt for ironwork for gun carriages. |
17191007 copy of receipts from The Tower | Detailed bill of lading for Isaac & Elizabeth hoy. |
17191010 Mr Collins’ salary | From John Blake to John Baxter regarding £200 to be used to pay wages. |
17191117 apology for delay | An apology for the late arrival of a hoy due to fog and storm. Also a report on the wellbeing of the surveyor general. |
17191210 old iron taken from carriages | Itemised list of recovered ironwork of 8 tons. |
17191220 demand for powder HMS Namure | a demand for powder from Chris king, authorised by Ian Tunstall, presumably master gunner and captain of HMS Namure |
17200119 old iron | regarding the usefulness of old ironwork and gun carriages. |
17200120 Indent HMS Windsor | Indent for HMS Windsor for shot |
17200124 Spanish mortar and coal for capt Pattison | regarding captured guns and powder taken as prize by Sir George Byng |
17200127 HMS Bedford | instruction to prepare HMD Bedford for refit. |
17200216 Mortars from HMS Speedwell | instruction to send brass mortars to Woolwich by the fastest possible means for HMS Speedwell |
17200307 stores from HMS Speedwell | regarding stores for and from HMS Speedwell |
17200316 ladders | Regarding fire security at Woolwich asking for ladders and fire engines. Notably the first ‘fire engines’ appeared in 1720. |
17200317 HMS Antelope to be laid up | Instruction to prepare HMS Antelope to be laid up. Remove guns and gunner’s stores. |
17200319 Colonel Borgard’s carriages | Instruction to improve the quality of standardisation in the making of gun carriages. |
1739 0123 HMS Lenox | List of gunner’s stores to be supplied to William Carder, master Gunner of HMS Lenox. |
17421116 Copper hoops | A request for copper hoops and rivets to be sent to Greenwich. |
17440510 Princess Mary | Instruction to prepare HMS Princess Mary (1704) for refit. |
17490305 Indenture for HMS Assurance | Account of guns and stores aboard HMS Assurance |
17490620 HMS Chesterfield & Ludlow Castle return of ordnance | Account of guns and stores aboard HMS Chesterfield & Ludlow Castle |
17570502 H Osborn | Letter from Port Admiral Henry Osborn advising that HMS Gurnsey is to be refitted. |
17580824 stores for Africa | List of stores to be transported by land from The Tower & Woolwich. |
17650207 account of stores supplied to tender Eagle | request for an account of stores placed aboard the hoy Eagle. |
17661022 imprest £200 | regarding finance supplied by imprest, comment on the supply of candles and a personal note. |
17780131 Specifications for new gun carriages | detailed instructions on the methods to be employed when preparing and storing gun carriages in order that they will not decay whilst in store. |
17790728 Sir Charles Hardy’s squadron | A brief annex to a previous communication requiring 5 rounds of case shott to be supplied. |
17800506 private letter from Susanna Pace to Mrs Veale storekeeper | Letter to Mrs Veale, wife of Richard Veale, storekeeper from her aunt Susanna Pace describing her illness and woes. |
17900512 HMS Chichester | instruction to supply HMS Chichester with gunner’s stores for foreign service. |
17900713 £500 imprest | confusing communication regarding a £500 imprest and its distribution. |
17900816 Birch Brooms | referring to another document regarding the supply of birch brooms. |
17900922 Admiral Howe’s fleet | instruction to restock Admiral Howe’s fleet at Spithead with gunners’ stores |
17901105 HMS Medusa Nemesis | instruction to restock three ships at Spithead with gunners’ stores |
17910221 imprest for expenses | regarding an imprest for £200 for West Indies. |
17930216 Devon Militia | Personal Letter from Peter Paumer to Richard Veal regarding a friend who is a member of the militia. |
17930905 Richard Veal storekeeper Gunwharf | Clearly this should accompany a second document |
17940210 HMS Circe to be refitted | instruction to prepare HMS Circle for refit and to restock her ordnance for Channel service. |
17940604 imprest to pay for 20 wagons | this letter has no address, so may indicate that it was transported in an envelope. It contains advice on the cost of wagons to transport musket cartridges. |
17940610 4 cannonades for HMS Pomona | Advising that carronades will be sent from Woolwich for HMS Pomona which is also to be supplied with signalling rockets. |
17940711 HMS Proserpine refitting | instruction to prepare HMS Proserpine for refitting for channel service and to restock her for said service. |
17940712 Cpt Whitehead HMS Arrogant returning 2 9 pounders | advice that HMS Arrogant is to return two 9 pounders to the stores. |
17940812 painting of HMS London’s guns | instruction to supply paint for painting the guns and carriages on HMS London. |
17941122 Exchange of cannon for HMS Pallas | Instruction to exchange new design 18 pounders for old style and to supply carronades for vacant ports. |
17950312 HMS Niger to have guns repainted | instruction to supply paint for repainting the guns of HMS Niger at Spithead. |
17950317 Carronades for HMS Hornet | instruction to supply four carronades for the sloop, HMS Hornet. |
17951104 Working all night on Isabella | Request of Mr Veal to provide 30 men to assist in shifting stores on The Isabella ordnance vessel. |
17951110 carronades for HMS Amethyst | Request to supply HMS Amethyst with carronades |
17951110 HMS L’Eclair | Instruction to provide the bomb vessel with a gun carriage to enable their gun to be trained. |
17951111 HMS Arab | Instruction to provide locks for the guns of HMS Arab. |
17951112 deliver 24 pounder carronade to Cpt Moore of HMS Syren | Instruction to provide a 24 pounder carronade for each of the two launches provided for the use of forces at the Islands of St Marcow to be transported by The Syren. |
17951112 HM Sloop Martin to be completed for foreign service | Instruction to supply HMS Martin with ordnance stores for foreign service. |
17951112 HMS Amethyst to receive reappropriated carronades | Instruction to recover carronades from gun boats to supply HMS Amethyst. |
17951113 HMS Dadalus to be restored for foreign service | Instruction to supply HMS Daedalus with ordnance stores for foreign service. |
17951114 stores to be assessed on Active & Bourdeaux Trader | Instruction to perform an audit of stores on two ships and provide an account of said stores. |
17951114 supplies granted | Advising that stores recently requested will be sent to Portsmouth immediately. |
17951117 Admiral Duncan’s Russian squadron | Instruction to supply stores to the Russian squadron under the command of Admiral Duncan. |
17951117 HMS Romney to be restocked | Instruction to supply HMS Romney with ordnance stores for Channel service. |
17951117 HMS Stag & Ramillies to be refitted | Instruction to prepare HMS Stag & HMS Ramillies for refit and to restock them when completed for Channel service. |
17951119 HMS Charon Hospital ship to be refitted | Instruction to prepare HMS Charon for refit and to restock her for Channel service when complete. |
17951121 HMS Prince George to have guns removed | From HMS Royal William at Spithead – instruction to remove the guns from HMS Prince George. |
17951121 Storeship Expedition to report to The River | Instruction to provide HMS Expedition with unserviceable stores to be used as ballast. |
17960200 seven barrel guns | Request for carronades and seven barrelled volley guns. |
17960908 returned ordnance from Kings Own Militia | Request from Major General Cuyler for ammunition. |
17960917 HMS Stagg | An itemised request from Commander of HMS Stagg for gunners’ stores and small arms. |
17970406 ordnance for prison ship HMS Sultan | A request for small arms for HMS Sultan, prison ship. |
Biblical matters to be considered | This undated document appears to be some sort of index to other documents discussing various biblical matters. |