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Our introduction to life in Portsmouth Dockyard in 1695 is from Henry Stanyford, Master Carpenter for the Office of the Ordnance, and captain of the militia formed out of the inhabitants of Portsmouth. A document that starts well written, but deteriorates toward the end, It is requesting an allowance for timber and the repair of the footbridges at Southsea Castle and ‘The Fort at Gosport’.
We are not told which fort at Gosport, but at the time it could have been Blockhouse, at the harbour entrance, or one of the two small square towers: Fort Charles, at the north east end of the High Street (Near to where The Castle Tavern now stands), or Fort James on Burrough Island (now also known locally as Rat Island), both forts are gone now, although there are remnants of Fort James on the island. In later documents we will witness the recycling of some materials from Fort James.
Note that, in this document, Gosport is spelt ‘Godsport’. There is often discussion as to the origin of the name some say it was called Godsport and others Gooseport. Here we see a vote for the former.
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An Indenture is a legal document detailing an agreement between two parties. Often they will be in two parts, divided by a unique wavy cut such that the two parts will only fit one another.
this indenture was for for HMS Kent (1679), a 70 gun, third rate ship which later went on to participate in battles at Barfleur, Cape Passaro, Vigo and Velez-Malaga, initially looking relatively easy to read, it presents real issues in transcribing. The document, mostly printed, lists the ordnance stores carried by such a ship. The printed items are clearly written, but understanding their purpose is not so easy to determine. Who would imagine that ‘junk’ was old or waste rope used to make wadding for loading the great guns? This document is also our first sight of the many symbols used to describe weights and measures that are very difficult to define without the volume of information contained in the rest of these documents. You can make use of the Glossary’s Weights & Measures and the Items Terms and Abbreviations pages to help in understanding this document.
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On 7th January 1701 we are introduced to two characters that will become familiar: Mr. John Hooper, the head storekeeper at Portsmouth to whom the majority of the letters from The Tower (Tower of London) are addressed, and Mr. John Silvester, the armourer. Here, Mr. Hooper, probably in his own hand, is asking the armourer to refurbish small arms to make them serviceable. Some are for specified vessels: HMS Experiment (1689) a 32 gun frigate and for HM Yacht Isabella. From this we learn that the Navy were still using snaphance muskets (see the Glossary for a description) with two types of lock, and pistols with brass caps.
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A quarterly account at the end of March 1701, from Henry Silvester, master blacksmith and presumably a relative of John Silvester, begins our appreciation of the finer parts of a gunner’s equipment: spikes, used to aim a gun, linchpins that hold the trucks (wheels) onto the axletrees, forelock keys that retained the capsquares which, in turn, retained the trunnions onto the carriage. We also see the term Poiz, in this case spelled ‘poys’, a term used to preclude a quantity by weight. In this case hundredweights, quarters, and pounds.
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It is in the two bills submitted by Archibald Maxwell, another blacksmith, we start to appreciate the volume of work performed in the three months leading up to Christmas 1701 and in the next bill for a period in 1702. Numerous ships and tons of ironwork are listed along with the associated guns of varying sizes.
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In this bill Mr. Maxwell lists ironwork that would be found around the gun ports. Hooks for the port tackle (used to raise and lower the gun ports), Ladlehooks for hanging the ladles above the guns (ladles were used to unload a gun), Linchpins which held the trucks, or wheels on the axels of carriages. I am unsure what Handscrews were, if you know, please enlighten me.
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This document, transcribed by Philip Eley, is regarding the transportation of small arms for various army regiments.
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On June 30th, 1702, we see the first two of many notes from the army. Generally, these are simple notes, contrite and devoid of niceties. They request stores or acknowledge receipt thereof. Both appear to have been written by the same clerk, probably at the same time. These were for snaphance muskets. Snaphance refers to the type of lock which used a flint striking a steel plate to produce sparks to ignite the priming powder.

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The first note on 1st July 1702 refers to firelock muskets which used slow match instead of a flint. Eighteen Snaphance muskets were also received, these were an early version of flintlock muskets, look in the Glossary for more information.
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The second document on 1st July 1702 is for the receipt of more snaphance muskets.
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This document, transcribed by Philip Eley, starts by listing returned small arms from Lt. General Churchill’s regiments and then goes on to discuss new gun carriages to be supplied to Southampton town.
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The ‘Proportion of Ordnance’ document of 2nd July 1702 gives an item-by-item list of ordnance for Southampton town. It starts with the ‘Iron Ordnance’ (guns). It lists both the remaining stores, and those supplied. At the top of the list, we see ‘Rem/Sup’ each word having a strike above it. This strike indicates that it is a contraction, so we are looking at ‘Remains’ and ‘Supplied’. When we get to the first entry for Culvering – ‘1’ we see another contraction above which is either ‘CrSs’ or, more likely ‘C&Ss’, the jury is still out on what this means. Notice also that where a double ‘S’ appears, the first is written as a capital with a serif, and the second is in lower case. This is almost invariably the case.
The list of guns begins with the largest, Cannon of 7, and works down in size to Falcon. It then goes on to list the accompanying stores: shot, carriage parts (beds, coins, trucks) notice the elaborate ‘P’ a contraction for ‘pair’, for pairs of trucks, ordinary (small for the rear) or extraordinary (large for the front). Heads and rammers also come in pairs. Going down the list we see paper royal (cartridge paper) is measured in quires and that starch, marlin, twine and wire are measured in pounds with the ‘L’ struck through symbol.
The document is endorsed by: Hyram Mes, James Lowther (1673 –1755), Christopher Musgrave (1664–1718) and William Bousher. These officials were based at the Tower of London and represented The Board of Ordnance.
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Henry Stanyford’s carpentry bill of 31st July 1702 gives us an insight into the cost of timber, and we can calculate that a carpenter was paid about 2/10 (2 shillings and 10 pence, or almost 15p) per day.
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A year later, in July of 1703 we see that two prize ships from the battle of Vigo Bay in Spain are to be resupplied. This battle was a huge success for the Royal Navy. HMS Assurance Prize was formerly the French ship Assuré, a 66-gun third-rate ship of the line, built in 1697, captured in 1702 and broken up in 1712. I have no information on HMS Moderate.
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A beautifully scripted letter from The Tower, signed by James Craggs (1657-1721), an intermediary of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough (1650 – 1722), acknowledges receipt of remains from HMS Antelope (1703), and enquires on the ability of Portsmouth to supply the Royal Catherine, an 84-gun ship, with guns. It also asks how many gun ports Royal Katherine now has.
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The receipt from John Rolloe, 20th October 1703, master Gunner of HMS Defiance is in stark contrast to the previous letter. Written on fine paper, faded, and difficult to read, it acknowledges receipt of unusable corn powder (coarse gunpowder used for the charging of guns).
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The next letter, a request from John Hooper, written in his own hand, asking John Silvester to repair small arms, has no date, but, looking at the history of the ships named, it was likely some time in 1704.
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This document is in two parts. Firstly, endorsed by Mr. Hooper himself, stating that 63 muskets were received in February 1704. Secondly, it states that the guns were returned in July 1704.
Notice that the date for 24th February is written as 1703/4. This is because two calendars were in use at the time: the Julian, and the Gregorian that we use now. In the Julian Calendar, the year began on Lady Day (March 25th) and so, in this example, it would have been 1703 until March 24th. This confusion was resolved by the Calendar (New Style) Act 1750. My thanks to Fraser who pointed this out in the ‘Discussion’ page.
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This note, acknowledging receipt of muscovy lights appears to have been written & signed by Peter Coward. The word ‘muscovy’ has been contracted to Musco–‘. Muscovy lights, as opposed to Lanthorns, used mica as the transparent medium instead of horn. Horn would distort with the heat from the flame, whereas mica did not.
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This account, written on crumpled, fine paper and listing gunners’ stores remaining on HMS Namur is very faded making it difficult to read.
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In 1705 we see a letter from The Tower. Although the 20th of January, the year stated is 1704/5. This is a convention that was followed for the first three months of every year. The letter is advising John Hooper that an ‘imprest’ of £200 (notice that the letter says both 200lb and £200) has been granted. It goes on to request a quarterly statement of account explaining where the money is being spent. It may be of interest to also note that the three signees refer to themselves as ‘Your loving friends’. They clearly were friends as we will see in later correspondence.
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In business letters today, we enter our address top right, then the recipient’s address top left before the date and the content. At this time the recipient’s name/address appears at the bottom left.
The letter of 3rd April 1705 from The Admiralty Office is directly addressed to John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough (sixth great grandfather of Winston Churchill), Master General of Ordnance, and is from ‘George’. Who George was is unknown, possibly Admiral Sir George Byng, or maybe Prince George, husband of Queen Anne. Whoever he was he felt no need to use anything but his first name.
The use of the contraction Ym in this letter demonstrates that the ‘Y’ is pronounced ‘th’, so proving that Ye is not pronounced ‘ye’, but ‘the’.
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This document from Charles Clark, 1st July 1705, makes reference to Quay Gate, sometimes spelt Key Gate, and also known as King George’s Gate, one of the gates through the wall which surrounded Portsmouth town. It stood next to the Camber dock, where Portsmouth Fish Market now stands in White Heart Road Old Portsmouth.

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Mr Clark’s men were then busy aboard HMS Grenwich on 28th July.
Then, on 31st July, a bill of laden for stores transported by John Goldring, over land, to Portsmouth endorsed with a receipt for the stores. This bill of laden for John Golding’s wagon refers to ‘snapsacks‘ (a tubular leather or canvas sack with a drawstring). It then says ‘500 in a 1/4 tun fale‘. However, looking at the document as a whole, the writer (I suspect it was Peter Coward) has a tendency to not cross the ‘t’s, for example ‘Perliculars’, ‘lhere’ and ‘lhe’. So, if we substitute ‘t’ for the ‘l’, we get ‘fate’. The word we now spell as ‘Vat’ (a large barrel) was once spelled ‘ffat’, ‘fat’, or, in this case ‘fate’.
My thanks, once again, to Philip Eley for his help with this.
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In August of 1705 Peter Coward, (note the similarity of the handwriting with the previous document) a clerk to Mr. Hooper, requests that Mr. Josias Clarke supply 12 powder barrels to HMS Nassau when she arrives in harbour for cleaning. Given that the decks and rigging would be maintained by the ship’s company we must assume that the ‘cleaning’ referred to is cleaning the ship’s bottom of weed and the hull of infestation by shipworm (Teredo Navalis, a marine mollusc). Although copper plating was recommended by one Charles Perry to prevent these problems in 1708, it was not until the 1760s that the navy introduced it.
Ships were cleaned of weed either by careening them (bringing them ashore, and hauling them onto their side), or by putting them into a dry dock, and scraping the weed off. The timbers were then treated with fire which killed the ship worm. A mix of pitch and horsehair was then applied which offered limited protection against reinfestation.
Needless to say, careening would have been practiced on hard ground. However, much of the ground around Portsmouth Harbour is mud flats, so to perform careening, hard ground would have to have been created. This was done by transporting shingle from the shores of the Solent and depositing it where hard ground was to required. In Portsmouth the area immediately outside of the Dockyard Main Gate is known as ‘The Hard’. Directly opposite, across the harbour in Gosport another hard was created to facilitate a landing place for ferry boats. Also in Gosport there is an area known as ‘Hardway’ where 7 more hards were created.

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In December of 1705 a letter from The Tower emphasizes the high status of John Hooper, it states that HMS Somerset (1698) commanded by Captain Price will be ordered to transport tools and arms to Lisbon and Gibraltar. This would have been during the War of the Spanish Succession. So, Mr. Hooper knew before the ship’s captain where she was going next!
This same letter goes on to enquire of Mr. Hooper the progress and estimated completion date of the building of a new 3rd rate ship.
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From a faded letter we learn that Mr. Hooper is also responsible for the maintenance of some of the dockyard buildings. In February of 1706 he is asked to arrange the repair of palisades around the storehouse.
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A letter in March 1706 asks that five named ships jump the queue for resupply, and that two others should follow. This is the first letter in which we see the dockyard ordered to ‘take out her guns and gunners’ stores’, a soon to be familiar phrase frequently used when a ship was to go into refit, or, as in this case, to be laid up. A simple phrase concealing a huge amount of work to be done.
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‘The Main’: a term that is sometimes heard in historical novels and folk songs, appears in a letter of 16th March 1706. The Main was a province in the northwest of France to the south of Normandy and between Bretagne and Orléans. HMS Monmouth, having been ordered to join The Main fleet, is to be refitted for such duty, while HMS Nonsuch is to be refitted for service in The Channel fleet.
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HMS Granada, a bomb vessel (it was actually called Grenado, but the letter has clearly misnamed her), was also refitted for service in the Main fleet in July. Again, we see the familiar order: “you are to take out her guns and gunners stores during the doing thereof and send up her remains as usual.”
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On 19th of October 1706, Tartar and Sorlings are also refitted, this time for service in the Mediterranean fleet. We can only speculate as to the nature of these refits and what service in the different fleets required of them, but it almost certainly relates to the quantity of stores that are loaded after the refit.
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Mr. Hooper must have written to The Board about returned powder as a sadly faded reply of 10th January 1707 advises that he should not send unusable returned powder back to Woolwich, but retain it at Portsmouth.
It may be of interest here to note that in 1716, following representations from the people of Portsmouth requesting that powder not be stored close to their homes, Mr. Hooper wrote to The Board suggesting that it was unwise to store powder in The Square Tower at Portsmouth. It was not until the 1760s however that The Board took this seriously and began the building of a purpose-built armaments store at Priddy’s Hard in Gosport, designed to contain any explosion, and well away from residential buildings. These buildings still stand today, some forming part of Explosion! Museum, and the powder store converted to ‘The Powder Monkey’ brewery.
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In March of 1707 The Board agree to Mr. Hooper employing Henry Stanyford to build cartwheels for powder carts and a pair of wheelbarrows. There is also a postscript to this letter regarding a mislaid account for £372/6/0 (£372, 6 shillings) thereby delaying payment; not an insubstantial amount.
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Three letters follow in May of 1707 instructing the yard to prepare ships for refit. Starting on the 3rd with Cambridge, Roebuck, Foulkston & Seaford which are to be refitted for Channel service.
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On the 8th there seems to have been a change of plan as Cambridge is now to be refitted for service in the Mediterranean along with Cumberland & Devonshire.
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On the 12th Northumberland & Canterbury are to refit for Channel service.
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Henry Silvester’s smithy’s bill for the period between October 1707 and March 1708 is a challenging read. He begins by craving an allowance, yet nowhere does he put monetary value on his work, we are only shown the weight of iron involved. He has also included much of his working out which makes reading most difficult.
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A postscript to a letter of 19th June 1707 ordering the preparation of HMS Tartar, Folkston and Lyme for refit informs Mr. Hooper that the Surveyor General, William Bridges, signatory to many letters from The Tower, and indeed this one, will be with him the following Tuesday or Wednesday. It advises that Mr. Ward will be paid no more than £40 for the ground that the hospital stands on.
It is unclear where this piece of land was. The hospital in the Dockyard was superseded by the Royal Hospital Haslar in Gosport in 1762, yet there was another hospital in Gosport at the time, at Forton. Fortune Hospital, later to become Forton Prison, may have been the hospital being discussed here as associated with it was a Mr. James Ward; there may well be some connection. Some buildings remain and can be found in Lees Lane if you look carefully.
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This document, transcribed by Philip Eley, seems to refer to a dispute between the Government and the local authorities as to who is responsible for the upkeep of the bridge at Hilsea which connected Portsea Island to the mainland at Cosham.
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There was clearly a delay with the stores ships from Greenwich on 2nd October 1707 as, apart from agreeing to Mr. Hooper paying out a couple of substantial bills they have asked him to draw on Mr. Maxwell’s paper supplies while awaiting the ships. This emphasizes the difficulty that was experienced supplying Portsmouth and Plymouth dockyards, especially with weighty supplies. In this case the two storeships are sheltering from bad weather at The Downes, and The Nore, off the east Kent coast. It is also interesting to note how the amounts are written, both in the precis and the body of the letter, with the symbol for a pound weight and not the ‘£’ sign we use today.
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In November, on the 8th and 15th 1707, two indents for stores for HMS Cruizer appear for a substantial quantity of stores. These ‘Proportion’ documents are huge, about two foot square and printed in one piece of very heavy paper.
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Only one page of this document has survived.
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On the 20th November 1707 The Board request an inventory of mortars in store at Portsmouth. Curiously, they also ask what bomb vessels are there; one might have expected them to know where their ships were. This letter is not as well set out as was usual for The Tower: the addition of the phrase ‘of what diameter &’ was clearly an afterthought, yet the letter has been signed by three board members.
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It looks as though the mice have attacked the letter of December 20th, 1707, as there are two large holes in it removing some of the text. It concern’s Mr. Edge’s bill mentioned in the letter of 2nd October. It also advises that the Commissioners of Excise will be making a visit.
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The first letter of 1708, 27th January has an interesting postscript. It would appear that the army have been taking liberties with the dockyard by trying to draw ammunition without authorisation because there is a clear statement advising that they must apply to The Board in writing giving an account of expenditure.
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At the end of March 1708 Mr Maxwell submitted a bill for carriages. Usually the symbol for a pound weight was an ‘L’ with a strike through it, yet in this note we see the use of a unique symbol for a pound, he also uses a capital ‘C’ for cwt, and qr for quarter. He also uses the elaborate capital ‘P’ for ‘pair’, .

No costs are included, but we do get to see his workings at the bottom. Although there are no headings on the table, adding up the ‘Land Service’ bill, near the bottom, we know that these are weights being counted because the first column (pounds) adds up to 28 which is one quarter, if we then add this to the next column it comes to 5, so 1 recorded and one to carry to the hundredweights column. This gives us the result: 12cwt 1qr 0lb.
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This document was transcribed by Philip Eley. It appears to be a list of work done by coopers during quarter two of 1708.
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Curiously the next bill from Mr Harmood, the plumber, appears to cover the September quarter 1706, yet is dated April 20th 1708, clearly, not both dates can be correct. Further: the precis does not appear to relate to the content of the note which on first sight appears to have been written by Mr. Harmood, yet has been addressed and sealed as if it has come from The Tower.
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The document of May 20th, 1708 while written in a neat hand, is difficult to transcribe as the writer uses some unusual characters for his ‘h’s, ‘c’s and ‘s’s. It is unclear who the letter is from or to, but the precis says that it is Mr. Hooper’s report relating to guard ships, so it is likely that it was written by John Hooper, or his clerk, and one might assume that it was intended for The Board, but it would seem unlikely that he would bother The Board with trivialities such as three stopped vents.
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We then have three bills for carpentry, cooperage, and armoury.
In June of 1708 Henry Stanyford was busy repairing gun carriages for 16 ships. As £3/18/6 was billed for boat hire we must assume that the ships were moored at Spithead. He has abbreviated many of the terms, but in most cases his meaning is clear. In this bill we also see the use of a redundant term for money: ‘mammon’, spelt mymon in this bill.
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Mr. Josias Clarke’s coopers bill, written on fine paper demonstrates how Mr. Clarke struggled: paper was at a premium, so mistakes had to be included.
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The third is an armourer’s bill, probably from John Silvester, or his son, Edward.
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Most of the stores sourced for the Ordnance Office were brought by sea, but some, smaller items, came by land, and some were locally sourced.
Notice at the bottom September has been contracted to ‘7ber‘
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The 126 reams of paper royal referred to by John Mears on September 7th arrived on 4th September when we see a double receipt, neither are signed.
Mr. Basket of London, who also had a store in Portsmouth, was a regular supplier of paper.
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This one is a gem! A note, written on fine paper by the master of the hoy Sarus, it is full of information and atmosphere. A ‘receipt for payment for paper royal’ (cartridge paper) dated September 8th, 1708, John Mears apologises for a shortfall of 59 reams of paper due to bad weather. This, again, underlines the difficulties in transporting goods in these times. It is this document that allows us to positively identify ‘Paper Royal’ as Cartridge Paper, used to make cartridges of powder for the guns.
One should not take the use of phonetic spelling as a sign of being uneducated. Being a ship’s master required a deep knowledge of mathematics and having passed the master’s examination, so John Mears was probably better educated than the clerks who wrote the well-presented letters from The Tower.
This note is also an excellent example of phonetic spelling, one can almost hear John Mears’ accent when reading this; one might imagine the actor Robert Newton, in his portrayal of Long John Silver in the 1950 film Treasure Island. However, this does present a challenge in transcribing the document; it requires that one reads it in the ‘accent’ it was written for it to make sense.
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This receipt for repairs to carriages is particularly challenging. I have assumed that the contraction ‘Forlo’ is for Forelock Keys. These looked like large cut nails, retained by a chain, and were used to lock down the cap squares onto the trunnions.
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The letter of 10th February 1709 introduces Chris Lister who will be signatory to many future letters from The Tower to Mr Hooper. This one advising that HMS Sapphire is to be readied for a refit in preparation for a voyage to the Leeward Islands.
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Chris Lister writes again to Mr. Hooper enquiring if he can recommend builders of hoys. Unusually, we get to see, in part at least, the reply, as suggested boat builders are listed on the reverse of the letter. He recommends three in the Southampton area: Burseldon, Redbridge and Warsash, one at Emsworth and another in Gosport.
It would appear that Mr. Hooper has not answered the enquiry in full as he has put no rates for the hoys, but then, we don’t actually see the the reply that was sent.
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On 22nd February Chris Lister writes a letter, crammed with contractions, apologising for the delay of a previous letter which we are not privy to. The delay. it would appear, has created difficulties for Mr. Hooper which Chris promises to rectify the following day.
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This list of new gun carriages and repairs for the March Quarter, probably from Archibald Maxwell, makes good use of the capital ‘P’ as a contraction both for ‘pair’ and ‘per’.
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On 5th March a letter requests that HMS Medway Prize (1704) is prepared for refit. The suffix ‘Prize’ was given to a vessel taken, in battle, as a prize. In this case Medway Prize was taken from the French in 1704 by HMS Medway (1693). She was a 28 gun frigate, originally known as Les Trois Provinces.
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Admiral Leake was, in 1708, reappointed Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. The letter of the 8th of March 1709 appears to be a reasserting, in his name, the need for the dockyard to expedite the turnaround of vessels coming in for cleaning and/or refitting, and that they should take instructions from any flag officer of his fleet. A flag officer would have been a man ranking commodore or above, who would have flown their own pennant.
Possibly Admiral Leake was asserting his authority, or possibly had experienced delays, yet there has been no mention of such in previous letters from The Tower.
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This note regarding supplies for repairs to ‘The Magazine’ and ‘The Platform’ is referring to The Square Tower and The Saluting Platform, at the north west end of the Curtain Moat.
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A somewhat angry letter from The Tower to Mr. Hooper on 5th April 1709 asks him to investigate the circumstances which resulted in the commander of HMS Ranelagh (1697) ordering Captain Hubbard of the Triumph to supply him with small arms, an irregular occurrence that Captain Hubbard felt the need to write to The Tower in order that he could replenish his own supplies.
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An account of work performed by hoys. Unfortunately the bottom of this document missed the scanner. Thanks to Philip Eley for his help in transcribing this document.
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Chris Lister writes on the 9th April 1709 to advise that the carpenter, Henry Stanyford, should supply timber, and the yard should supply kettles and bedding to Commissary Hawys for an upcoming expedition. We are not told which expedition.
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The letter of 23rd April 1709 is regarding two bomb vessels, Furnace (1695) and Salimander (1687), Messrs Traharne and Green, named as ‘fireworkers’ are demanding stores.
A bomb vessel was a specially designed vessel, usually a ketch, which carried mortars as its main armament with a few guns for self-defence. Firing mortars was complicated as they would fire mortar bombs which required priming with a fuse of set length to ensure that they exploded when intended. It is likely that fireworkers were those skilled in firing them.
This letter also asks that Mr. Hooper investigate an additional request for repairs to harbour tenders.
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In the letter from The Tower on 30th April 1709 we learn that Mr. Thomas Silvester, the armourer at Portsmouth dockyard is the father of Edward Silvester, the blacksmith. The letter also shows us the close working relationship between The Board members and Mr. Hooper. Unfortunately, we don’t know what the subject of the letter is.
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It is the story behind the postscript in the letter of 21st May 1709 that provides interest. It asks Mr. Hooper’s advice on the value of salvaged stores. The precis mentions three ships, all of which were recently wrecked. Hazardous, Looe and Nassau, so it is salvage from these to which this refers.
Hazardous ran aground on a sandbank at Bracklesham Bay in Sussex, so was in shallow water. Therefore, we can assume that much of her equipment was salvaged at the time. Clearly, enough was salvaged for The Board to be enquiring as to the value thereof. One gun was recovered in 1966 and others have been identified since. She carried 54, but maybe we can now see why so few remain to be recovered in modern times.
HMS Looe (1697) was wrecked in Scratchwell’s Bay on the south west coast of the Isle Of Wight close to The Needles. 8 men were lost.
HMS Nassau (1699) was wrecked on 30th October 1706.
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Two bills follow for carpentry, the first on 31st May 1709 from Henry Stanyford for work done on buildings around the yard.

From this document we can deduce the symbols used to denote pounds shillings and pence.
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The second bill of the day was for new carriages and repairs in June It does not have the carpenter’s name on it, so this may have been from Henry Stanyford or possibly William Ogbourne.
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For the June quarter 1709, a detailed list, from John Hooper, of small arms to be repaired by John Silvester, the armourer. Mr Hooper lists the individual types of arms required for both land and sea service.
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22nd June 1709 a letter from Mr. Lister urging Henry Stanyford to provide a flag staff for Calshot Castle.
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Colonel Romer was accomplished in devising defences and was employed to design defences in Portsmouth. On 17th June 1709 a letter from Chris Lister asks Mr. Hooper to provide the colonel with money to pay his labourers. The letter goes on to enquire about the availability of ‘white rope’ for cranes. White rope was any rope that had not been tarred.
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On 12th August 1709 a note, written on fine paper asks for match (fine gunpowder) to be supplied to one of the garrison gunners. Curiously, at the bottom of the paper it appears to say ‘4 Staniyford’, am I wrong? The only Stanyford we know of was a Henry Stanyford, master carpenter and commander of the militia.

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In Mr Maxwell’s busy account for ironwork’s done by Edward Silvester during the September quarter of 1709 we see that apart from ten ships, work was done at ‘Quay Gate’ which was situated approximately where Portsmouth fish market now stands in Old Portsmouth at the west end of Lombard Street opposite where it joins King Charles Street. This was one of many gates into the town of Portsmouth. Several still remain for example Landport Gate, Unicorn Gate and lion Gate.
One of the ships mentioned is Bedford Galley, any ship named ‘Galley’ was so named because it carried ‘sweeps’ or oars which enabled the crew to move the ship without the use of sails.
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Another request for match, this time it looks as though Walter Harford was asking for slow match as opposed to powder of which he states that the gunner “has not a yard left”.
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In James Rolphe’s, slightly damaged, bill for painting work done by John Cripes’ 10th September 1709 he mentions painting tumbrels. These were a two wheeled carriage or cart.
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Back in April Captain Hubbard of the Triumph was resupplied following the incident with the Ranelagh, and here acknowledges receipt of powder and match.
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On October 24th 1709 a bill, presumably from Henry Silvester, we again encounter the term ‘poiz’.
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9th November 1709, a supply of gunner’s stores gives us sight of an Indenture. These were a legal document in two parts between two people. In this case John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough and Mathew Eade, master gunner of the bomb vessel, HMS Gosport (1707). Indentures were in two parts which were cut apart with a wavy cut (indentured) such that the two pieces could be matched together proving their authenticity.
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Having supplied Triumph the previous month, we again see Ranelagh asking for more supplies.
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